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  Hum. There is something lovely about that word. Many possibilities. Isn't it fun? Doesn't it make you feel like you're on the open dirt road, in the sun, with the wind through your hair?  But there is something else, like the feeling you might flunk the possibilities and fail Today. Which is dreadful. So what do you do? Do you wait, and see all the possibilities fly past you in flurries, or inwardly panic while eating kettle chips? I would like to present---my favourite quote.  So don't stress on it. Whatever it is, quietly and happily pursue your aim. And you'll get there. I promise. Oh wait, I can't promise that. But I truly believe that you can. Put some thyme on your chest, literally and mentally. For real. Thyme helps with productivity. 😜  All the best, Lori

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